Debouching from th diaphragm – “Bells For The Southside” – a double disc marshaled by Roscoe Micthell (commanding eight entrants, m’ self included) & oozed ont’ ECM Records. This stuff was inexplicated in 2015 at Chicago’s Museum of Contemporary Art, exalting the AACM’s 50th anniversary. Lashings of the Art Ensemble of Chicago’s original instruments were trawled from the vaults & deployed on various cuts from the album/performances. As yu can probably portend, shits an insolubly frabjous jaunt, pulling at a superfluitous plethora of para-prisms panning pantheon panjandrum primogeniture profusion profligacy at plenum pleonast. Check th previous posts for further figments. Released on June 16th, 2017.
A smattering of tha battering can be potated at thus coordinates
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