Holy-mother of magnanimity! Th
Holy-mother of magnanimity! Th
Split cassette with Law Facilitates Crime. Tha sacred fruity melon… wall-to-wall Blur & Blast…no middle ground, j-j-j-j-j-just Hard-Vacuum hyper Blur Blast Torikowashi shred-flay User-Hostile No-Skool-Noyzcore mega hysteria to knock all suctions off th udders paunch. Ridiculous, utmost & utterly uncontested frenzy-fusillade fucketh-fastest. Law Facilitates Crime – turbo blast Gratecore Math-Grind with Maddest of all Motherfuckers-Kikanju Baku on drums. Neon-green cassette, beyond sensory-spank art & design, fold-out, double-sided pamphlet. 333 hand numbered copies on Tetsubish Gob-Stopper tapes. Available from emergencyemancipation[at]protonmail[dot]ch
Yummy new tape – 神经刺痛 is here to romp a spud-fowl in yur sparse. Double session damage dollops & tea-room trollops – 3 irreparable turbo blast-blur Neko-Neko-Noyzcore dive-bombs from Bollock Swine circa 2005 Chicago (guitar, drums) & two streaming, spitting, bubbling vats of scream-splashed, virago-vicissitude-venereal blurt harsh Gunk Gush-Gyna (Noyz, duo-gurl-banshee, drums) from 2018 London. Breast milk belligerence. Oh! & they joined by OPS-PSF, Miracle Power Combination, Wage-Slave Exchange, Drogded, Animal Machine, Sewage, 886VG, New World, Sedem Minut Strachu, Shit Noise Bastards, Sodoma 93, sweet sounds of the burning child & Qebrus for whopping rend harsh, Gunk galore, extra’ extra condensed blat-fuck, User-Hostile Blur Noisegrind trash trauma & mega skip-hump Glitch accelerated abnormality discharge. All crushed onto a pink cassette, with customized stamp daub, giant full-colour double sided poster, colour Obi, colour sticker & coloured cassette case conjured by the scoundrels at Tetsubish Gob-Stopper/Jigokuki.
steadfast spree-ative heirophantic prosody… th stemless eruption.
Long before yu motherfukurz were ruining everything… we were macking these pollen-grains!
Scribble me a presidential assassination. don’t yu worry those nether-nodules… under th flash of pink thunder & howling hunks of absolutist-Ha-Ha-Ha, a 13 way split deluxe cassette of hypso-Gunk/Stridor with glow-in-th-dark splodge is about to spew it’s load! Are yu ready? Are yu able? Do yu possess th proportions? Very few can navigate through th fog of fuscous
Dredging utmost erst undergone. A lost language, sewn into the roots of unrestrained verdure, millions of miles away from modern-man’s insolent fiasco of continually unwinding mega-moron-ship.
Very big
Copies available from me & wandering itinerant fugitive sages th globe over & deepest desert dwellers.
2008 banking crisis mega larceny…the longer that no redress is proffered from the offending entities, the larger the bill – it’s time to collect! Demolished in 2015, “Our Vision for Your Future” exacts five new onslaughts of Flensecore in 35 minutes. Urgent, critical, melt-down, fall-out, turbo-hyper kinetic, withering ineffable irascibility & emergency apoplexic fulmination through an extraordinary teratogen of extreme Breakcore-Fray-RiotGear-Glitch-Drill n’ Waste, Anti-Listener improvisation, Noise-Noisecore-Blur-Shred, the most strenuous & assaulting divisions of rabid Free Jazz & discordant psychedelia abrasion splashed with Industrial corrosives & extreme Electronics esemplasticity. Unmatched & unparalleled, deeply politicized anti free-market, anti-corruption, anti-deception, retaliatory rioting. an absolute furor of anti-oppressor, planetary emancipatory & ethical violence & revolutionary fanaticism in it’s most volcanic & turbulent form. Released on mutant maverick Erst-while Antrum, hand crafted, non-manufactured four colour-onbody, hand numbered to 256 copies & released with complete self-sufficiency with no support from a blind, deaf, dumb & corrupt-as-shit idiot industry. Walk as you talk motherfuckers!
Available for £6.50 from emergencyemancipation@protonmail.ch, Gobbledy Gunk Distro & a few other committed, free-thinking, non-prostrated, shackle-free, mobilized motherfuckers th world over (awareness assessment, seek & find, display yur hunting prowess, exercise independence & initiative).
No agent! No manager! No distributor! No publicist! No publishing company! I adhere exclusively to meritocracy, actuality & veracity. Being reliable, fair, honest, diligent & vigilant among this morass of fraudulent, commercially-prostrated husk-brained shits ain’t easy, but it is essential. Professionalism is a euphemism for ignoring/suppressing/contaminating the fundamental tenets of humanity & emulating a machine/artificial thinking that is contrary to natural principles for the sake of short-term situational advantage in a system of pure corruption & dishonesty. It is deceitful & degenerative on an absolute core scale – fuck professionalism. As for officialdom! – Derived from the expression “office” (so
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