ちゃちゃっと from the chantry:

Cool gig with Roscoe last saturday at The Big Sad – “Exhausted and Hysterical” doon in Woolwich Fireworks Factory. Nice to dust-off the flame-throwers nt´ gamma-cannons again & revive our combined pandemonium-preternatural-propensities for some reverse-gravity interstellar unbalancing….staff were all real cool too. We will also be recording another studio album in the coming week, so bulk buy bandages. Other surprises prowling.

raizin´ whorl!

Aka 嘴!

mass land evictions

The Maasai of Tanzania are enduring mass forced evictions from their ancestral lands by a callow, contemptuous & corrupt government enthralled to an international adversary & criminal exploiter – the United Arab Emirates. They need our immediate support, so git´ in it. Darwins Nightmare & We Come as Friends by documentarian Hubert Sauper capture the continuous pillage, misrule & theft. Fuck the United Arab Emirates. The “Brazilian front” seethes with the recent double-loss. Action is required from us all.

精進 Slipstream > > >
New Kuttekop split disc has been released on Zas Autoproduzione. so seven Kuttekop tracks of “insalubrious malformations, rare infections, esoteric vandalism & adverse deformity” from the depths of Issyk-Kul. Other “astute toxic surrealist garbage” from this artisan extremity are fast hurtling towards earth.
Kuttekop – new nox on Zas.
Occupy Democracy 2014 – a portent of piss-takes to ensue.
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