And with that, Spring threw back her head of green locks and laughed lustfully under the stratocumulus frizzante.

git’ some! … muthufuccaaa!

무아 단- Humanity During Apocalypse:

so at last, the debut release of my Korean collective is out. difficult to detail, but ambiphonic noise, sweeping psychedelic submergence, pluralist & profuse poly-sonics, distortion, electronics, effects pedals & synth saturation & shifting, snaking, multi-purpose avant-garde abstractionism will start the conversation. Clement & extreme frequencies, esoteric measures, abstract peculiarity transfusing with Poise Spore, avant jazz, extracurricular improvisation, Abnorm & Abstrusion, including traditional Korean & Chinese instruments. Insert elaborate mutagens of Advanced Fracture, Glyph-Hop, & radicalised Jazz variants transmutating as “Alter Ergo” & we are getting there. don’t forget to factor in an existential showdown & face-off between “the human spirit” – conscious being – individualist sentient entity – & the modern monstrosity & it’s all-annulling automation effacement directive & death drive towards digitization, “efficiency” & machine mind.


core musicians include Dowan Kim on drums, percussion & (other instruments), Hyunkyu Im on guitars, noise, pedals & synths, & Heejin Jang on electronics, noise & modulations.

Kikanju “天罰”Baku


Wealth Disorder (with Pataphysics & Niles Asheber):
four counts of raw, rustic, exotic, mysterious & radical ethno-avant free jazz.Niles Asheber on the Kuduzela or African Shofar (cos’ you know those motherfuckers stole it just like the stole the land) & conch shell as the wise-man minstrel.
Replacing the thief & caitiff William Doran – who could not even make his own session – is trumpeter Pat Marks, aka Pataphysics (also a dedicated activist, investigative reporter & rapper), who weaves a mantic of coiling effects riddled avant panache through the brass shotty.

The four tracks traverse an ornate, inventive & unpredictable mosaic of Glyph-Hop, Scolopendra, complex break-beats, scuttling & dextrous poly-rhythms, omni-tonal patterns & super fast, technical & gracile swing, bells, bones, blocks, artisanal gongs & gangan (African talking drum).
Conjuring a resilience ritual amongst a fire fly swarm from the enduring remnants of a triumphant tribe playing on cymbals dredged from an old ship wreck on make shift gear in a derelict cathedral erected by the repelled & vanquished former colonialist settlers during the longest night of a Pacific summer equinox …. yep! Ethnicity Against the Error muthufuccuzz.

raw, ramshackle & radical, & a million miles from the “Renaissance” gloss toss & commercial commodity wet-wipery those establishment shit-shiners are always tryna’ stuff down yer’ gob.

translucent purple shell with colour stickers, six panel cassette sleeve in a yellow case, limited to x569 hand-numbered physical copies with no digital release, issued by Ethnicity Against the Error.

I Trust the Conman:

new Anti-Listener grindnoise, harsh noise, blast & blurcore project I Trust the Conman with Ignacio Ruz of 886VG on noise & guitar. Concept confronts the curse of the MAGA cult & the manufactured scammer & corporate-backed-bullshitter, political charlatan agent (Trump, Meloni, Bannon, Bolsonaro, Modi, Milei, Ramaswami, Orban, Sunak & the rest of the shower) & the “Jones Town” component/phenomena driving this benighted self-harming lemmingdom excrementalism to accelerate their own slaughter. sprinting Olympic-standard blastbeats, with bone structure fragmenting single-foot mega blasts hosting curt episodes of belting Gratecore & D-beat Grindcore paired with frenzied, ultra-fast, noise-blur-shred noisegrind & sporadic harsh noise besieging. Appropriate anecdotal revulsion & revilement at the monumental micro targeted & microwaved mass moronism & the plague of corporatist fraudster populist implant.

Desperation Breeds Depravity ep is out on the new Trussterfuck compilation cassette extended by Basayev Inductions.

Bollock Swine/886VG – split cassette on Lo-fi or Die Records:

Bollock Swine’s Gush Gyna Junk Gyre-Geto Garbage three more eruptive, rapturous, rupturing, ridiculous, raving & rampageous uber-ultra-blastcore, blurcore, Gunk, avant-lard, screamcore, mangling hasrh-noisegrind Neko-Neko-Noyzcore, K-Slop, freak out, WTF turbo-eccentricity out-pour, riddled with “dog vortex”, immaculate harsh noise mutilation (Hiroshi Masaki) & lashings of hyper estranged samples & sound effects for the ultimate, unsurpassed, unassailable uttermost ….. it’s just impossible! … no one/nothing comes even close.

Never Stop Learning – a contemporary titan of harsh noise, Chile’s 886VG eject three magnificent melt-offs of fast, harsh, nimble & varied, masterly shock-out cut-up harsh noise.

both practitioners provide the absolute cutting-edge of their prospective fields … done deal.

fluorescent yellow shell with alternate on-body spray-paint stencils & stickers, single panel cassette sleeve on thick un-glossed card, A4 fold out double-sided poster attached with rubber ring, hand-numbered to x303 copies.
Bollock Swine/886VG live collapse/collision/collaboration:

fuck me! there they go again! for the second occasion, a live noise-nova exclamatory freak furnace & full-spectrum frenzy in advanced mutant radius between these specialist demolition ultras & rare enhanced-extremism Anti-Listener antagonisers.

Avant Inca Ethno Jazz:

great session with young traditional Peruvian indigenous multi-instrumentalist Robert Gutierrez. Evocative & mystical improvisation in the depths of the arcane alcoves.

Wiraqoca & his medicine man tools of yore.
Duo album recording with South Korean avant-saxophonist Jung-Jae Kim:

old-skool, fast & hard tumble, free-improvisation, on-spot-inflection inferno session with the Korean saxophonist Jung-Jae Kim. storm in a steam room.

Trussterfuck compilation cassette:

Basayev Inductions 05, the latest excursion of international User Hostile mind goring featuring spectacular harsh noise & ultra-blastcore anti-listener noisegrind blitzkrieg. Digital Noise Distortion (Italy), mad Mourmansk 150 (France), 886VG (Chile), rare, never issued 90’s harsh junk Japanoise act from Osaka -SLIME SMILE THREEMILE – from ひみつキング member, classic, early 90’s genre-resistant dark noise/industrial/electronic masterclass from Chicago’s Illusion of Safety specially remastered by Dan Burke himself, Machine/Cyber-Grind Blurcore micro-munitions from Kataplasm (France), & four fatal incidents of peerless blastcore noisegrind overdrive from myself by way of exclusive Bollock Swine, I Trust the Conman, Reforester & 走り抜くtracks.

concept & graphics tokenises the “corporate nazi” anti-life libertarian extremists Liz Truss & Peter Thiel, along with other verminous specimens from their sub-species & blight class infecting, imperilling & corrupting our lives & politics with their barely concealed totalitarian, neo-feudal, nouveau-fascist, maliciously intended criminal conspiracy & sabotaging of sovereignties. time to fuck these cocksuckerz up kids!
professional high-quality tape on white shell, three on-body stickers per side, 5-panel sleeve, two odd-sized double-sided micro-posters, x5 pull-out subverts, hand-crafted & hand-numbered, limited to x313 copies in a blue “fucking” case.

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